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Here are some sobering statistics: More than 100,000 Americans will be diagnosed with colon cancer in 2009. Of these, about half will die from the disease, making it the third most common cause of cancer death. But it is not necessarily so.
Why do so many people die from colon cancer? Because, unlike some other cancers, there are no symptoms until it reaches advanced stages. However, colorectal cancer has an excellent cure rate if caught early.That is why it is so very important to get a colonoscopy soon after you turn 50 years old.
Are you at risk?
So what's the risk? The factors that are beyond your control include advancing age and have a family history of colon cancer or polyps. However, there are several things you can do to reduce your risk of colon cancer. If you smoke, stop. I keep the lid on the amount of alcohol you consume. More than two alcoholic drinks a day can cause colon cancer in individuals with a family history of disease.
couch potatoes are also at greater risk. After all, lives a sedentary lifestyle allows waste to hang around in your colon longer. Exercise, on the other hand, accelerates the passage of intestinal contents, limiting the amount of time potential carcinogens come in contact with the colon. It also reduces the level of insulin circulating thoughts stimulate the growth of tumors.
Staying physically active and aids weight. Women and men were twice the risk of colon cancer if their waist measures over 32 inches and 36, respectively. Why? Overweight people are usually less active, often secrete excess insulin, and may consume too much "wrong" foods.
Eat Happy Colon-food
Until a few years ago, doctors recommend a high fiber diet to reduce the risk of developing colon cancer. But recent studies can not agree on how fiber works or not -. And if not, what kind of fiber is the best
Even if the fiber is not the holy grail of colon cancer prevention, experts still recommend a fiber-rich diet from plant foods. Why? Since the beneficial phytochemicals tucked away in these foods, including antioxidants that prevent cell damage.
Of course, eating a diet rich in fiber softens stools and helps move waste through the colon. But do not be fooled by these so-called "high-fiber" food. Many contain isolated fibers such as polydextrose or maltodextrin, which offer no real health benefits. Opt instead for a fiber-rich complex carbohydrates like whole grains, fruits and vegetables. I try to eat seven to nine servings a day.
Adding fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains to your diet is only half the battle. It is also a good idea to reduce the amount of red meat you eat. Red meat is packed with saturated fat - proved the culprit in colon cancer. Processed and hard cooked meats also boost the risk, because they may contain carcinogens like nitrates and heterocyclic amines. Instead, plan your menu around lean poultry and ribe.Omega-3 fatty acids in fish may actually slow or prevent the growth tumora.Mononezasićene fats in olive oil may be the reduction of deoxycholic acid, bile salts, which can cause tumor formation.
super supplements
Folic acid shines as a shield against colon cancer. Whether the natural food form (as folic acid), or in supplemental form, the B vitamin appears to protect against DNA damage that can cause rak.Zaštita offered may be greatest for those with a family history of disease.
studies show that, as well as folic acid levels increase the risk of precancerous polyps in the colon and colon cancer is reduced. In one study, women who took folic acid supplements, 75 percent reduced risk of colon cancer, compared with women who did not supplement - but only when they were taking folic acid for more than 15 years. In another report, the association between folate nutrition and protection from precancerous polyps grew much stronger with the addition of folic acid supplement.
Carotenoids play an important role in preventing colon cancer. Higher intake of carotenoids, two in particular, lycopene and lutein, it seems to lower the risk. By acting as antioxidants, protecting cell membranes that line the colon from free radicals. And new evidence suggests that lycopene directly inhibits cell growth of colon crijeva.Harvard recent study showed that taking 6.5 mg. lycopene daily significantly reduces the risk of cancer. And taking 6 mg. lutein daily not only reduces the cellular damage in the colon, it also promotes better vision.
Finally, taking 1200-1500 mg. calcium is associated with lower rates of colon cancer. Researchers suspect that calcium binds with bile acids, preventing abnormal cell growth. Be sure to get enough vitamin D, too, to enhance calcium absorption.
One thing ...
According to the experts, you get a colonoscopy every 10 years. Yes, I know - getting ready for a colonoscopy is not a picnic. But there are some good alternatives that do not involve drinking a gallon a nasty taste of a medicine to clean your system. There is now a pill you can take a lot more comfortable.
If your risk is low, you might ask your doctor about kolonoskopiju.Virtualni virtual colonoscopy is a noninvasive and is 90 percent of all polyps (growths in the colon that are considered pre-cancerous). Of course, the downside is that if polyps are found, you still need a regular colonoscopy to remove them.
Whatever the type of colonoscopy you and your doctor to settle in, it is important that you get one. Colonoscopies are the gold standard for preventing colon cancer -. And suffering through a little temporary inconvenience sure beats dying from this disease to prevent a
Research Brief ...
Want to improve your memory? Take a nap! New research suggests that taking a nap can boost a sophisticated type of memory that helps us see the big picture and sparks our creativity. Getting quality sleep - whether a nap or recommended seven to eight hours at night - helps the brain process memories, so they hold the
.is particularly important, "slow-wave sleep" period of very deep sleep that comes before the famous REM sleep or dreaming time. It is possible that our brains continue to work during that time to solve problems and come up with new ideas. To test the idea, neuroscientists at the City University of New York devised a simple test to document relational memory, where the brain is put together separate facts to learn a new way.
First, they learn 20 English-speaking students a list of Chinese words written with two characters - such as a sister, mother, maid. Then, half the students are risking. After waking, they are more choice test of Chinese words that he had never seen prije.Nappers not much better automatically recognizes that the first two signs in words that I memorized earlier always mean the same thing - women, for example. So they also were more likely than non-nappers to choose a new word that contains that character, meaning "princess" and not "monkeys ."
In another study, the researchers briefly interrupted Wisconsin nocturnal slow wave sleep by playing a sound signal - just loud enough to disturb sleep, but do not wake up - and discovered that these people can not remember the quest to learn the day before as well as people whose slow-wave sleep was not disturbed.
So, if you're trying to master a new skill - or simply want to remember where you left the car keys - find a quiet corner and catch some ZZZ's. I can not think of a better memory fan!
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Reference :
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